Headcount Solutions - Recruitment in Warsaw Poland


We understand that choosing the right partner in your recruitment process is a very difficult decision, that’s why our activity is based on experience that comes from our clients.

Choosing the right search company for recruitment in Warsaw Poland is of equal importance as you need one which makes the entire recruitment process more effective, efficient, manageable and rewarding.

Choosing the wrong search firm will leave you disillusioned and frustrated, costing more time, money and mistakes that one can ill afford. We would like to present to you our company and our services. We believe that our approach and attitude will surpass your expectation and this will be the first step to build a lasting business partnership.

We provide recruitment in Warsaw Poland and across the CEE and Western European markets


The 7th Annual EuropaProperty CEE Investment and Green Building Awards for investment, development, and business excellence in Central and Eastern Europe recently took place in front of a packed audience at the Intercontinental Warsaw Hotel.

Headcount Solutions were honoured to be shortlisted for the award of Professional Services Provider and emerged victorious in the voting for the award.

Afterwards, Headcount Solutions CEO Seamus Pentony commented……

‘We are both delighted and honoured, to have received such recognition as Professional Service Provider of the Year.

We thank the jury, our partners, and especially our clients, for their fantastic and continued support in achieving this accolade.

We will continue to create, and deliver, unique solutions for the CEE market.’

Our Mission Statement

“Our mission is the provision of best fit solutions that consistently set new standards in service both for customers and for the employee” 

About Us

Headcount Solutions Ltd was founded in Dublin, Ireland in early 2005 by three highly experienced professional engineers with extensive knowledge of recruiting, resourcing and managing project teams for the design, construction, commissioning, start up and ongoing operations of process, manufacturing, industrial, infrastructural and commercial facilities.
Headcount offers an exciting new alternative principally because of the experience of its key senior players. Stephen Kelly, Rory Devlin andDonal Flynn have been well known and respected names within the design, construction, process and manufacturing sectors in Ireland and abroad over the past twenty plus years.
Joining the founding team in early 2006, Seamus Pentony, a highly experienced recruitment professional with over 15 solid years in an International based capacity, has reinforced our market entry in the emerging markets and beyond. Based in our Warsaw office, the team covers the entire region, bringing a depth of expertise, experience and knowledge that positions Headcount as a leader in personnel placement.


Time Saved

In business, time is money and Headcount Solutions is a time saver. An agency saves you time because they take care of the beginning steps of the hiring process.

Access to the best

In addition to sorting through submitted applications, Headcount Solutions will also have access to the best talent available. This includes access to talent that is currently employed elsewhere.

The screening process

The screening process when hiring has several layers. You need to run assessment on potential employees, follow up with references and conduct preliminary interviews to make sure the candidate matches the promises they make on their resumes. Again, these are vital steps that just take up time when you are conducting them on your own.

Peace of mind

Headcount Solutions has a proven track record of finding the right employees for the job. When you meet with our narrowed down choices, you can feel more confident with your final hiring decision. Choosing the wrong employee to work for you can cost you even more time and money down the line. Working with a recruiting agency will help make your decision feel more assured.


Once you have developed a relationship with Headcount Solutions and we gain your trust, your future staffing will go even more smoothly. We will be fully aware of the qualities that it takes to make the right fit within your company and what you expect from them.

Our Methodology

All our recruitment activity is based on competency based interviewing techniques which we have developed internally to align with the Headcount corporate Value System. These can be readily customised to suit any particular set of client values with candidates assessed against these.

The first step of the recruitment process is to dedicate a professional recruitment consultant to you. This is one of the most important parts of recruitment process as the ability of the recruiter to understand your business and your needs, is the key to whether or not the search is a success. The next steps are:



Developing a competitive market search specification that will attract the very best candidate. Knowledge of the marketplace allows monitoring employment trends.



The consultant agrees with the client what information, and at which stage of the recruitment process information can be passed on to  a candidate taking part in the selection process.



Detailed analysis is undertaken of your company, competitors and the marketplace to allow us to develop a process which will lead to a successful placement.



Based on your needs and our research, Headcount will identify the best potential candidates for the search. Suitable candidates are found by using our in-house database, advertising where appropriate as well as headhunting and direct search techniques.



Detailed interviewing processes allow us to evaluate the best talent in the marketplace and match that person to your needs. We also evaluate the cultural fit between company and candidate as well as the long-term compatibility of both the candidate and the client.



Headcount provide the client with a detailed summary of the most qualified candidates. Only the best available candidates will be presented to the client during the longslisting and shortlisting processes.



On request, Headcount will undertake a process of checking references which is both rigorous and confidential. This ensures that your candidates are the finest available.



Headcount will support the accepted candidates transition by organising all required documents as well as helping in salary negotiations if required. We also solicit and evaluate feedback both from client and the employee after an initial probation period.



The client recieves a specific guarantee. Headcount is obliged to present, free of charge, new candidates for the position, being the subject of the rendered service, in case the client resigns from employing a candidate taken on as the result of the service (within reason), or the candidate resigns from employment with the client.

Our Service Commitment

Headcount Solutions is commited to providing both our clients and candidates a professional and confidential service. Our ethos is to do our best for both clients and candidates and this is proven by the many international companies we have worked with and C Level candidates we have placed and helped to progress their careers.

Candidate qualification

We are highly experienced in the professional qualifying of candidates to meet stringent international performance standards. Our execution follows a clear procedure which has been developed by our own professional in house HR function.

Quality of service

Quality of our service is based on our commitment to personalize our service, confidentiality and maintaining the most ethical standards.

Sector specific experts

Instead of Recruiters, Headcount is run by experienced sector specific experts who have years of hands on project and operations experience.

Working with clients

We work closely with clients to determine the exact qualifications and skills needed in a prospect and we interview candidates extensively to ensure their experience and needs are appropriate for the job and culture offered by our clients.


We ensure that candidates provided, meets the client objectives because the requirements specifications will be understood in detail.

Understanding the project

We understand that every search is different as are each client’s hiring needs.

Data Privacy

Polski POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI Administratorem danych osobowych jest Headcount Solutions Polska Sp. z o. o. z siedzibą w Warszawie. Mogą się Państwo z nami skontaktować pod adresem: G43 Office Centre, ul. Grzybowska 43, 00-855 Warszawa, nr telefonu: 22 390 52 94, e-mail: headcount@headcount.pl, a także firma/klient dla której prowadzony jest proces rekrutacyjny, która spełni obowiązek informacyjny z chwilą otrzymania Państwa dokumentów. Dane przetwarzane będą na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 litera a) Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/279 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r., (RODO), w celu przeprowadzenia procesu rekrutacji. Zgoda na przetwarzanie danych osobowych może zostać cofnięta w dowolnym momencie. Cofnięcie zgody nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem wcześniejszego przetwarzania danych. Administrator nie udostępnia danych ani nie przekazuje danych do państwa trzeciego/organizacji międzynarodowej. Dane będą przechowywane przez okres niezbędny do zrealizowania celu, a także - przypadku wyrażenia na to zgody - w celu ewentualnych rekrutacji przyszłych, maksymalnie przez okres 10 lat. Osobie, której dane dotyczą, przysługuje prawo dostępu do swoich danych, ich poprawiania, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, przeniesienia oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. W przypadku wątpliwości związanych z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych, każda osoba może zwrócić się do administratorów o udzielenie informacji. Niezależnie od powyższego, każdemu przysługuje prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Dane nie będą podlegać zautomatyzowanemu podejmowaniu decyzji, w tym profilowaniu. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do realizacji wskazanego celu.
DANE OSOBOWE Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy (w moim CV oraz innych dokumentach składających się na ofertę pracy, jeśli takie przedstawiłem/am, np. w liście motywacyjnym) przez Headcount Solutions Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie oraz przez klientów rekrutera, dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji, przez okres niezbędny do zrealizowania procesu rekrutacji. Wiem, że mogę cofnąć zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w dowolnym momencie, przy czym cofnięcie zgody nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem wcześniejszego przetwarzania danych. Posiadam dane kontaktowe administratora, za pomocą których mogę cofnąć moją zgodę. Wyrażam zgodę/Nie wyrażam zgody na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Headcount Solutions Sp. z o.o. w Warszawie zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy (w moim CV oraz innych dokumentach składających się na ofertę pracy, jeśli takie przedstawiłem/am, np. w liście motywacyjnym) dla celów rekrutacji przyszłych prowadzonych przez rekrutera, przez okres 10 lat od daty uzyskania moich danych. Wiem, że mogę cofnąć zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w dowolnym momencie, przy czym cofnięcie zgody nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem wcześniejszego przetwarzania danych. Posiadam dane kontaktowe administratora, za pomocą których mogę cofnąć moją zgodę.
POZWOLENIE 1. Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych podanych przeze mnie w formularzu kontaktowym w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na moje pytanie lub wiadomość. 2. Wyrażam zgodę na umieszczenie danych osobowych podanych przeze mnie w formularzu kontaktowym w bazie danych administratora w celu przesyłania mi informacji handlowych i marketingowych.  
English PRIVACY POLICY Headcount Solutions Polska Sp. z o. o. with its seat in Warsaw, as well as the company/client for whom the recruitment process is conducted (who will realize its informational obligation after receiving your CV), are the controllers of your personal data. You can contact us at: G43 Office Centre, ul. Grzybowska 43, 00-855 Warsaw, Tel. No.: 22 390 52 94, e-mail: headcount@headcount.pl. Personal data shall be processed based on art. 6 section 1 letter a) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), for the purpose of recruitment process. Consent for processing of personal data can be withdrawn at any time. Such withdrawal does not affect lawfulness of its prior processing. Controller does not reveal or transfer personal data to a third country/ an international organization. Data shall be kept for a period necessary to realize the purpose, as well as – in case of granting consent for it - for the purpose of potential future recruitment, maximum for 10 years. A person, whose personal data is processed, has the right to request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject, and the right to data portability. In case of any doubts related to processing of personal data, a person can apply to controller for relevant information. Independent of the above, everybody has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. Data shall not be subject of automated decision-making, including profiling. Providing personal data is voluntary , but necessary to realize of the given purpose.
PERSONAL DATA I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in my job offer (in my CV and other documents making up the job offer, if I have presented one, eg in a cover letter) by Headcount Solutions Sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Warsaw and recruiter clients, for the needs necessary to carry out the recruitment process, for the period necessary to complete the recruitment process. I know that I can withdraw my consent to the processing of my personal data at any time, however, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the prior processing of data. I have administrator's contact details, with the help of which I can withdraw my consent. I agree / I do not consent to the processing of my personal data by Headcount Solutions Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw included in my job offer included in my job offer (in my CV and other documents making up the job offer, if I have presented one, eg in a cover letter) for recruitment purposes carried out by the recruiter, for a period of 10 years from the date of obtaining my data. I know that I can withdraw my consent to the processing of my personal data at any time, however, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the prior processing of data. I have administrator's contact details, with the help of which I can withdraw my consent.
PERMISSION 1. I hereby grant my consent for processing data given by myself in the contact form, for the purpose of ad dressing my question/message. 2. I hereby grant my consent for placing data given in the contact form in the controller’s database for the purpose of sending me commercial and marketing information.